Wednesday, May 17, 2017
What worries me the most?
I'm worried when are my parents going to die, I've been told that I won't have them forever that at one point they'll be gone. But when will they be gone, I love both of my parents so much they make me happy when I'm sad, and I enjoy making them laugh. My parents have always been there for me protecting me and teaching me. My parents have taught me more about life then what a school teacher can teach me about anything. Sure sometimes they mortified but all big moments of my life have happened with them around, and I'm happy because of that. To advice to people anywhere be nice to your parents, try to help them, because at the end of everything you wished you thanked them for everything they did.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Fidget Spinners
A fidget spinner is a toy that is suppose to relieve stress. On it says "A basic fidget spinner consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper and plastic". The person who invented fidget spinners is a woman called Catherine A. Hettinger she invited the toy during the 1990's it was they're solution for people with ADHD. On Wikipedia it talks about her and it says "During the summer, Hettinger was suffering from myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disorder that causes muscle weakness, making it difficult to care for her daughter." Catherine A. Hettinger has passed away and had no profit from the toy during the time she was alive but she did invent a toy that hit the sky's in 2017.
Fidget spinner
Cinco de Mayo
Why do some celebrate Cinco de Mayo, well here's a first fact, it's not Mexico Independence Day it's September 16. Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican's Army's phenomenal victory against French forces of Napoleon III on May 5, 1862, at the Battle of Puebla. During the Battle of Puebla the French forces were under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza. The Mexican victory unfortunately only lasted for a while. A year later, France with 30,000 troops, were able to defeat the Mexican army, capture Mexico City, and install Emperor Maximilian as ruler of Mexico. So Cinco de Mayo is a day to remember Mexico's victory and honor the lost soldiers during battle.
Link of where I gathered information: Cinco de Mayo

General Ingnacio Zaragoza Emperor Maximilian
Link of where I gathered information: Cinco de Mayo

General Ingnacio Zaragoza Emperor Maximilian
Monday, May 8, 2017
Delta Airlines
Last night on the news I saw that delta airlines, did another mistake just like united airlines. If you don't know what united airlines did, they forcefully had to kick out a passenger and hurting the passenger. Delta airlines had to kick out a family of four because they overbooked their flight. The kids were around the age of 3 years old, and the parents payed full price for their seats. The flight attendant and security told the parents they can put their kids on their laps but they won't get a refund. The parents refused because they paid the seats full price for two extra seats, they had a car seat for their kids for they can be safe but instead the attendant told them to hold them. At the end the passengers chose to leave the flight and would probably sue Delta. Now Delta airlines want to apologize and possibly give them $10,000 for the incident. I think that Delta Airlines didn't want to acknowledge the fact that they kicked out there passengers so they tried to pay them.
Link to video:Delta airlines kicked off family from flight
Link to video:Delta airlines kicked off family from flight
Monday, April 17, 2017
Egg hunt
On Sunday (Easter) I went to an Easter egg hunt with my family. At first my parents and my sister didn't want to go, so I made them. I wanted to go because my family hasn't done anything fun together in a while, that and I was bored. When I went to the park I couldn't comprehend how little people there was when I was a little kid there was at least a thousand, now it just look like only a hundred people. But I did have fun with my family we were looking and when we found one it belonged to whoever can find it. It was an interesting day because I was thinking "Easter has changed", it didn't bother me though more candy for me.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Friday, March 3, 2017
One mistake
One mistake, it takes just one little mistake to make me regret everything that I have done. I regret leaving my mom, I was 13. One day I went with my friends to ride my bike, my dad let me, when I went I forgot that me and my mom were going to go to a restaurant called Mother's Day the reason why was because it was her birthday. I forgot because the day I went out with my friends it was my bestfriend David's birthday also. My mom was upset when I came back home, she wasn't mad because she understand that it was my bestfriend's birthday. I gave her the gift I bought her it was a Pandora necklace she was happy because I didn't forget to say that I love her. I wish I was at the restaurant though for me and my mom can have a great day and then I could've gave my mom her gift there. But I learned at the end of the day that my mom is the most important to me because she's the person who cares about me the most.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Famous Dex in the Turtle Gang
A celebrity that I would like to meet? I would honestly like to meet the rapper called Famous Dex because I like his music, I have went to one of his concerts with my uncle before. I want to meet him in person because I always wonder what's the life of a successful rapper. I wondered what does he do on a normal day. If I was with Famous Dex I would like to go to his studio where he makes his songs. I would like to ride around with him and go to stores, but I would honestly just like to buy a black Nixon watch. I would like to introduce my uncle to Famous Dex because he also listens to him and he likes his music also.
This is Famous Dex
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
What makes me happy?
1. My family when we all take a walk together
2. Eating ice cream when I'm "dying" of heat
3. Playing soccer with friends
4. Having cool rain when I play soccer
5. Walking my dog
6. Eating cookies for breakfast
7. Hanging out with my mom and dad
8. Watching a movie with friends
9. Passing a test
10. Eating burgers fresh from the grill
11. Riding my bike with friends
12. Seeing my grandpa and grandma
13. Going to the store with my sister
14. Playing board games with my sister
15. Watching formula 1 racing
2. Eating ice cream when I'm "dying" of heat
3. Playing soccer with friends
4. Having cool rain when I play soccer
5. Walking my dog
6. Eating cookies for breakfast
7. Hanging out with my mom and dad
8. Watching a movie with friends
9. Passing a test
10. Eating burgers fresh from the grill
11. Riding my bike with friends
12. Seeing my grandpa and grandma
13. Going to the store with my sister
14. Playing board games with my sister
15. Watching formula 1 racing
Friday, February 10, 2017
Super Bowl LI commercial
The Super Bowl commercial I picked to talk about was the 84 Lumber commercial about Donald Trumps wall. So the commercial is about a construction company but the commercial starts with a mom and her daughter that live in Mexico. The mom has saved enough money to travel all trough Mexico to the border of the U.S. While they do this there are construction at the U.S. Border that is suppose to be Donald Trumps new wall. When the mother and daughter reach the border the new wall is built and they thought they failed to pass but the construction workers made a door, a door that lets immigrants in. I picked this commercial because I know how the struggle to get here is, my father crossed the border. The video made me say wow because of the owner of 84 lumber is pro trump but he still let his people made this commercial.
Click this like to the Super Bowl commercial I picked
Click this like to the Super Bowl commercial I picked
Thursday, January 26, 2017
My argument with my ex
The biggest argument I ever had or at least the worst I know, is an argument with my ex. We argued on Valentine's Day, this was during 2016. One Valentine's Day I took her to the carnival and I went on the rides with her and won her prizes. Then later on Valentine's Day I took her to the movies. I forgot what movie, I think a scary movie I'm not 100% sure. But now let's talk about the angry part, so here's why we argued. She was mad at me I didn't get her a "gift" gift, the reason why I didn't is because I spent most of my money on the carnival and movie. While we were arguing I brought up something that happened not that long ago that she thinks I didn't know, it was that she kissed another boy. I was mad at the time so I stopped the argument, took her home, broke up, and went to bed. The worst part of the argument was that I didn't get to finish my Icee.
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